Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Dad: the weather before the storm

The world seems a lot more daunting right now.  Nothing has happened that doesn't happen a couple of times a year, but when you are facing down a week like ours it just seems more difficult for some reason.  Anyway, all I'm complaining about is a bit of a stomach bug on the part of my wife and the same snow that has hit the eastern half of our country.  All of that is the normal stuff, it's the 4 days of medical appointments that make it daunting.  Kinda makes you want to sing a song: 1 Doctoral consultation, 2 surgeries a cutting and 3 oncology scan related appointments, 4 days at childrens,  5 GOLDEN RINGS...so my creativity abviously begins to eb somewhere around there.  You guys could probably come up with a better ending.

Anyway, I had a bit of other news come in while I was writting that.  My cousin, who is also helping us with the styling of this website, put together a little donation page: https://www.youcaring.com/helpcambriacrushcancer.  There are a few financial difficulties that come through this process, and it is more amazing than I could express that the youcaring website has been up for something like 3 hours and we already hit $500.

I would like to say thank you for the generosity of everyone that has contributed, you guys are amazing.  Thank you Ashley, I am beyond words.  Thank you God, we don't deserve these blessings.

Our God is an awesome God.

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