It is, at the moment, difficult to focus on any of the events of the last week other than just the feeling of relief to have the last treatments of chemo behind us. The excited outcry from our friends and family has been amazing. As much as that does sort of encompass someones perspective the next bit is gonna focus on the negative a bit. There were reasons to fear the Doxo and the last week has been difficult. Basically, both the carbo and the doxo mess with her stomach. So we gave her Sofran on a regular basis, which is the miracle drug that got Debra through her first trimester. Anyway, she seems mostly better now. She finally pooped after a 72 hours of not (I vaguely remember a time in my life when bowl movements wasn't appropriate for polite conversation). She's still not quite back to her usual schedule and she's not eating as much as normal, but each day is better.
On to next steps. Next week is more of the wondrous Filgrastim on Monday to boost her counts again. The week after is just some blood work. In a month we have what promises to be the last long week of this whole thing. Three appointments first being an MRI, and the second two are the MIBG (that big freaky machine with all the radioactive iodine). So
The most important part of this is that this cancer is done and so is the chemo. Oh yeah, and we are planning to visit GA on Easter to see family, and that is awesome too. Chemo's done our God is an Awesome God.
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