Our family is kind of awesome. So yeah, we've posted on here before how everything from assistance that we get around the house, to the donations site, to this very blog are gifts from the wonderful people that make up our family.
We got a new piece of awesomeness in the mail yesterday. It, however, takes a bit of back story. Something like 14 years ago my Aunt Gwen went through her own bout of cancer and it nearly took her life. This was a very difficult time for obvious reasons, but she is one tough cookie and she persevered.
While she was battling her cancer, my Paw Paw (translation: Grandpa) gave her a stuffed elephant, because how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!
Yesterday, we received a package that contained a present for Cambria, and this note:
So yeah, our family is kind of awesome. Anyway, we're going to leave you guys with a little piece of adorable that is our daughter and her elephant.
Love this. How special!!