Thursday, December 5, 2013

Dad: The appointment that wasn't

Have you ever had one of those days where nothing seems to make sense until you put the events to the sound track of circus music?  I'm not saying that the nurses made any mistakes or that we made any mistakes.  I'm not sure how it happened but there seemed to be more miscommunications than you could shake a stick at.  Shaking a stick at a miscommunication actually sounds rather difficult... Anyway, we started off by not feeding our pour child after 3am, because the internet said thats how much time we need to give the kid before taking anaesthesia.  We tried to verify this with the pre-op nurse who scheduled the appointment (I hadn't thought to bring it up until my wife made the point), but for some reason couldn't get a hold of the right department, or the right Liz.  I talked to a couple different Liz's, but only to get the auditory version of a blank stare each time.

Anyway, back to the day of, this time we have a bunch of back up in the form of both grandmas, which is truly a combined force to be reckoned with.  Cambria does not successfully sleep through the car ride this time and proceeds to scream at us during half an hour of DC traffic.  The screaming continues off during our trip through the hospital and our time in the waiting room.  Finally after what seems like 2 months later (baby screams have a unique effect on time) the nurse calls us in to weigh her and check her blood pressure and proceeds to say that she does not have surgery today.  She has a pre-surgery screening and can eat at her leisure.  Cambria managed to make it quite clear that her leisure meant immediately and she consumed 4 oz before leaving the hallway, and then spit most of it on my clothes in what I believe was a gesture of protest.  Anyway, this screening brought to light a few things.  One when the lady on the phone said put in a central line, I did not understand quite how invasive that was going to be.  So this brought up a lot more questions than it answered.   So we headed up to the fourth floor because I somehow got the impression that we would also meet Meany again today.  After waiting for an hour we discovered that Meany is not in today.  So we finished the day with a small amount of waiting in the first waiting room again, to try to find out some more information about the central line, got a Doctor's e-mail address, and left.   This rounded up with around 5 hours to accomplish what probably could have been done with a couple of phone calls. Grumble grumble grumble.

Summation:  today wasn't quite as productive as we had hoped, but our God is an awesome God none the less.

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