This one is even earlier and my mother in-law is joining us for the festivities. After striking out for breakfast at Starbucks and Chick-Fil-A, we found ourselves partaking in a McDonald's experience so bad you almost want to applaud them. Anyway, we got to the hospital and Cambria was still asleep (praise be to God). She kept sleeping almost till they called her in. This launched us on one of the longest hours of our lives. This was for two reasons, first: I, as the stay at home dad, very rarely let her out of my sight. When I do I know that her mom is with her. At this moment I was standing next to her mom watching our baby girl disapeer into a door way and we know that they plan on screwering her torso with a long thick needle. Thick enough to do the job at hand, which is to get samples of a tumor. We are very thankful for the speed that things have moved to get us to this point. However, it seems like we'ed need a little preamble or something to prepare for this.
I find myself incapable of merely watching the computer screen that merely displays "in surgery". I both want more information and at the same time think the play by play would mess with my head. So I wander a bit. I went to the cafeteria to get a straw (Ronald forgot to give me one). Basically, I'm finding excuses to move. Finally the nurse calls us over and tells us that they got 5 samples and everything went perfectly. She was waking up now and we would be able to see her in a few minutes. We went in to find a swarm of nurses buzzing around trying to figure out what was wrong. Clearly a baby crying that much is in pain. They gave her some drugs while we fed her and declared that she took to narcotics quickly.
I went back to the waiting room to fill Cambria's grandma in on what's been going on and happened across Meany (still nice). Who wanted to come in and say a few words. She said the Cancer word a few more times, and told us about a study that she is a part of. It will include something like 10k babies and they'd like Cambria to be a part of it. This is another moment of seeing a blessing in the midst of hardship. Our baby girl won't remember this, will most likely be cured completely, and will be part of something that will help give more information about a disease that kills babies. It sucks for us in the meanwhile, but that is pretty neat.
The rest of the day seemed to go rather quickly after that. We were told that with Thanksgiving coming in two days we would likely hear results the following Monday.
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